Image credit — Tengyart

Self-Mastery 02: What do you have to show for yourself? Part II, continued.

How do you respond to others when they say they can’t see any progress in your “life” over the past few years?

3 min readApr 6, 2022


How will one mortal look at another mortal who has set out to know and experience his immortal Self? With the very same eyes I did when I met such people. I couldn’t get it.

I don’t have anything to show for my recent time. I have muchless than I’ve ever had before. No cars, no assets, much less baggage including the karmic variety than I carried in my mind; lesser clothes, less stress, less complications which is not to say I do not understand complexity. My barometer seeks to measure the still and silent presence of wisdom over the fluctuations of the mind. This is a different type of gold; it’s stashed inside of me, not in a bank vault. Mine’s in use and shared, not guarded by an army for fear of theft. Do you possess the right instrument with which to measure me?

I have no advice, especially unsolicited, to give anyone anymore. That’s good, in my book. I’m not controlling of anyone’s environment but I navigate mine own. Good in my book again. I write for myself; and that’s freaking excellent in my book. A handful of people express they like to read my writes and I’m tickled pink. My earlier world tried to beat me blue, and I believe it was all of my asking. This time around, I can deal with both. No victim you see. Choices, all.

Am I doing better in the world-view? I have no idea. Do I feel better? Yes. Do I experience life differently than I once did? Oh absolutely yes; it’s now in line with the reason I’m here on earth. Do I crow about it? No. The beautiful crow upon my window-sill speaks though.

I have nothing. And so, there’s nothing to show. I therefore have no response. But I sit with my probing advice-giving friend, and acknowledging his love, smile and pour him a cold one, saying: “here you go buddy, you’ll love this!”.

Smiles are nice. Good spirit with, especially more so. No question about that!

Make no mistake; as much as I love peace, I still fight wars. Not when I feel like, or get angry; but only when I’m called and moved to do so by the right reason. I’ve never ever bothered with revenge at a personal level, something that would’ve perhaps given me temporary personal satisfaction, however little; I have instead fought injustice to re-establish justice at a national, and that has impacted millions of people in my country. Those are people I do not even know. And so, you see again, I have nothing to show for my work.

I play the game for the sake of its mastery. Knowing all the while that I’m in this world, but not of it.

To my brothers and sisters (or future girlfriend!) who walk the inner path, may I say this: be guided by your own internal intuitive compass; let another say or do what he or she or the other eighty-four genders will; listen, reflect, contemplate, and do what you must. You’re the one you must always live with. (Unless you’re married or have a partner. Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Love and respect.


… End of Part II. Part I is at:




Ancient Soul. Mystical Beast born to endless dark. Reportedly seen roaming the deep crevices and dimensions of consciousness.